Montana ER54 – Studio Karcher

Karcher Design has created a refined handle with a rounded rectangular shape. The soft edges provide comfort for the user. The reduction to geometric shapes makes the door handle appear elegant and timeless.

Category – Interior Design



Mission Invisible

Minimalist design with great effect

Our new, Mission Invisible “collection was nominated for the Callwey Award in May 2021 and received the award in the category, Solution of the Year 2021” in October 2021. But it didn’t stop at achieving just one award. The Muuuz International Awards (MIAW) annually honour the most outstanding products from the construction, landscape and decoration sectors. This year‘s nominated products were assessed and divided into four main criteria: Design, Originality, Use and Technology. Once again, our product range, consisting of the newly developed minirosettes and the bespoke design models Soho, Boston and Brooklyn, were outstanding in all four main criteria and was subsequently awarded the MIAW Award 2021 in the interior design category.


The Muuuz International Awards are organised by ArchiDesignClub in collaboration with Muuuz magazine. Each year, they honour the most outstanding new products in the field of architecture, including a total of six categories: Construction & Architecture Layout, Coatings & Materials, Home Furniture, Lighting, Kitchen & Bathroom and Outdoor.